Texas Star Recovery
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Chemical Dependency, Substance Abuse & Detox - Austin Texas
Inpatient Treatment for people battling Drug & Alcohol Addictions in Austin, Tx. Texas Star has a Detoxification Program & Chemical Dependency Rehabilitation. The 12 Steps are implemented on the beautiful campus creating an ideal setting for recovery
Texas Star Recovery
1106 W Dittmar Rd
Austin TX 78745
Tel: 800 252-5151; 512 462-6729
Inpatient Medical Detoxification &
Chemical Dependency Rehabilitation
& Intensive Outpatient Treatment
Texas Star Recovery's Acute Detoxification, Inpatient Rehabilitation, and Residential Programs provide hope for adults who are chemically dependent. Within our private and serene, 67 acre campus recovery begins under the Star. Patients begin to imagine the many possibilities for sober, meaningful, positive, and joyful lives.
Texas Star Recovery's Intensive Outpatient Program allows individuals to continue to realize and achieve sobriety.
Personalized Treatment Plans and expert staff provide the best environment both medically and professionally to teach the steps needed for healthy living. Imagining the possibilities under the Texas Star is a commitment shared by every member of the team. We help the patients imagine great things for themselves, guide them through their work...then we celebrate with them.
* Acute Medical Detoxification & Opiate Detoxification Programs
* Dual Diagnosis Treatment Program
* Chemical Dependency Treatment Program
* Intensive Outpatient Program
