Mark Houston Recovery
Gender Specific Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centers
A Different Kind of Drug & Alcohol Recovery Center | Permanent Sobriety and a Life of Abundance
Mark Houston Recovery
11503 Parsons Rd
Manor TX 78653
Tel: 866 877-6080
Whether you have completed treatment at a residential treatment center program or have never been to a drug rehab program before, our residential recovery program serves as the next step forward. If you‘re ready to learn how to live a sober, responsible, committed life full of promise and fun, we're here to help you.
A Different Kind of Drug and Alcohol Recovery Center in Texas
A certain percentage of men will relapse following completion of a residential clinical treatment program only to feel an even more debilitating sense of failure regarding their alcoholism and drug addiction. It is at this point that these men and their families ask themselves: "What can I do to truly recover from my alcoholism and drug addiction? What relapse prevention tools are available to me following a relapse after completing treatment?"
Unfortunately, many of these men and the people in their lives begin to believe that there is no hope for a life without addiction. Mark Houston Recovery offers that hope. Our unique Texas alcohol and drug rehab program, which combines the elements of a longer length of stay (minimum 60 days), a gender specific (males only) environment, ranch-style recovery center set on 70 beautiful acres, and a staff that models recovery at the highest levels, can be your chance for a life of permanent sobriety.
We believe that alcoholics and drug addicts can be taught how to live a sober, responsible life that is characterized by permanent sobriety, self respect and authenticity
By regaining strength in your body through healthy exercise and proper diet, you will learn how to create energy from the inside out rather than take it from other sources like drugs, alcohol, anger, and control. You will learn life skills such as financial sanity, nutrition, and disciplined meditation that lead to a permanent sense of inner peace.
Many people require the longer continuum of care that the Mark Houston Drug and Alcohol Recovery Center provides. All too often, men leave a residential treatment center and return to the same environments that were a part of their active alcoholism and drug addiction history without having developed the inner resources and life skills necessary to maintain their sobriety.
